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May 10, 2024

Bela knjiga

Cloud Revolution: Transforming Chemical Labeling for the Digital Age

Achieve operational efficiency while meeting global regulations

After a few challenging years, the global chemistry industry is anticipating moderate growth driven by rising demand, innovations, digitalization efforts, and a stronger focus on sustainability and decarbonization. The chemical industry, however, continues to grapple with supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions, sustainability demands, and diverging standards.

Global companies, spanning various industries beyond EU borders, must comply with emerging regulations like the updated EU CLP, aligned with GHS. The demand for more modern Enterprise Labeling systems is crucial to support key business needs and ensure compliance.

Download this white paper to learn how modern Enterprise Labeling solutions help organizations conquer these challenges:

  • Enhance operational efficiency with digital innovations like advanced analytics, cloud computing, AI
  • Ensure effective product stewardship and consumer safety
  • Rapidly respond to customer demands and meet global regulations
  • Navigate supply chain complexities to balance customer needs and improve profitability
  • Integrate seamlessly with systems of record like SAP and Oracle
  • Oblak
  • SAP
  • Predpisi
  • GHS
  • Dobavna veriga
  • Označevanje v dobavni verigi
  • Označevanje

Thank you! You can read the paper here: [[PDF]]

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