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The Maturity Model for Enterprise Labeling

How does your labeling stack up? This report offers a framework for labeling improvement.

In order to build a roadmap towards labeling excellence you must first understand the stages of labeling maturity. Fortunately, the Maturity Model for Enterprise Labeling offers just that - a framework for improvement in the area of labeling throughout your organization. 

Now you can use this model to create a baseline and define a clear path toward Enterprise Labeling excellence.

This report shows you how to:

  • Evaluate current effectiveness of your labeling capabilities
  • Determine key steps required to achieve higher levels of competency
  • Collaborate with internal teams regarding next steps for your labeling
  • Develop a blueprint to help your organization prioritize labeling investments


  • Dobavna veriga
  • Označevanje v dobavni verigi
  • Upravljanje grafičnih podob
  • Označevanje

Thank you! You can read the paper here: [[PDF]]

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